Fears and Phobias

Fear is a natural response to a perceived threat or hazard. When faced with the imminent potential danger of a violent storm, fear can prompt one to seek shelter, a sensible and prudent reaction. In contrast, a phobia represents an irrational fear, typically induced by a specific stimulus or situation, lacking a rational basis.

Fears and phobias are prevalent human emotions, ranging in intensity and influence on everyday activities.

Phobias amplify the fear associated with a particular object or situation far beyond its actual threat level. For instance, aerophobia, the fear of flying, exemplifies this phenomenon. Although statistical data reveals the incredibly low risk of dying in a plane crash — about one in a million — individuals with aerophobia continue to struggle with this irrational, yet deeply ingrained fear.

There are five types of specific phobias  which include:

  • Animals: Mice, spiders and insects.
  • Environmental: Heights, storms, the ocean.
  • Blood/Injury: Medical procedures, seeing blood, having injections.
  • Situational: Driving, elevators, flying, enclosed spaces.
  • Others: Choking, vomiting and becoming ill.

Some of the most common phobias include:

Fear of heights, spiders, snakes, dogs, confined spaces, thunder and lightning, flying, germs, contaminants, and injections. Additionally, agoraphobia is a more intricate fear characterised by anxiety about being in open spaces, often stemming from concerns about being alone or unable to escape.

Phobias manifest as intense and genuine fears, often leading individuals to modify their lifestyle by avoiding specific triggers that exacerbate their phobic reactions. These triggers can include activities such as flying, public speaking, venturing outdoors, navigating crowded areas, ascending tall structures, or visiting tropical destinations where encounters with snakes or spiders are possible. Ultimately, phobias have the potential to hinder personal growth and limit one’s desired lifestyle, resulting in a constricted narrowing of life.

The positive news is that fears and phobias aren’t inherent traits from birth. While there’s a slim chance they might stem from genetic predispositions, it’s more probable that they develop from experiences, learned behaviours, or cultural influences. Often, they’re acquired following specific events or traumas, becoming integrated into your internal programming. However, since they’re learned, they can be unlearned. I can assist you in shedding them by instilling new behaviours and beliefs that will supersede your fears and phobias.

Let me help you resolve these fears and phobias. Together we can unearth the subconscious  reasons that underpin them, explore the triggers that set them off and work together to eliminate them replacing them with new empowering positive beliefs and behaviours.

No two people are the same, so all my treatment programmes are bespoke, designed to meet the requirements and goals of each individual. I usually integrate all three disciplines, which I believe makes me a more effective coach enabling me to greatly enhance your therapeutic programme and accelerate your results.

I want to make appointments as easy as possible for you so offer sessions in person in clinic or online over Zoom.

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